How do I create an account?
Creating a profile on Simtik is easy and fast. Just follow these steps:
1. On the homepage, click the option “Sign Up”.
2. Enter your info:
- Enter your first name and last name.
- Enter your Email address.
- Create your password.
- Enter your birthday.
3. Add personal touches
- Add your profile photo
- Upload a picture of yourself from your computer.
- Adjust the picture as you like it. Move the view circle to wherever you want. Slide the scale under the picture to zoom in or out.
- Click the “Save” button underneath the picture.
4. Tell us about yourself!
- Write a short message about yourself so other users can get a feeling for who you are.
5. Verify your phone number
- Enter your preferred phone number and click “Confirm Phone Number”
- If you’re not from the United States, click “Change Country” and enter the country of the phone number you’re verifying.
- You will receive a text message containing a 4-digit Simtik online identification code. Enter the 4-digit code in the space on the webpage within 30 minutes of receiving the text.
- If your 4-digit code doesn’t work or you don’t receive a text with a code, click “Resend confirmation code”. If you still don’t receive a text, or if you think you may have entered the wrong phone number, click “Change my number”. Then re-enter your phone number, or a different phone number that you have access to.
6. Proceed to login
- If your phone number verification was accepted, you’ll move to the next screen.
- This screen will say “Success! You are on step closer to greatness!”
- Click “Proceed to Login”
- Congratulations and welcome! You’ve just joined the Simtik community!